It’s been slowly getting back to doing things and getting out and about, here in the Shelley Faye Lazar world, and I’ve rather surprised myself at what I’ve been up to!
Some the journeys have been by train, allowing my mind to wander and wonder, in preference to reading or IPhone-ing. When driving, no interruptions from the radio, but, whilst concentrating on the road, I find you can still allow your thoughts to drift and catch unexpected memories attached to images that arise in your head. Who knows how it works?
Pictures taken from a moving train, provoking memories of my thoughts and also feeding my memory for future colour references!
Last week, I was at a school reunion amongst girls who had become women of the same age as myself, some of whom I haven’t seen for 50 years! Now there is a trigger for memories, but only, I didn’t feel the anticipated rush of emotion or even entertainment. The school was a school was a building and that was that! On reflecting, it had served its purpose and I must have moved on, not allowing memories of the place, or even many experiences to lodge in my mind!
One of my trips was to go to London, catching the David Hockney exhibition, which set a flame to my obsession of colour and light. Here are a few (and there are lots!) of my photos to aid my memory of light, strong colours, beautiful unexpected delights. All will feed my work one way or another.
I can look at a piece of work and it jolts me back to a walk, or a day out, or a trip to a gallery. This makes me aware of the unexpected memories lodged in my head, that unknowingly assist my inspiration and creativity. I can look at the bowl of fruit, and think , “oh yes, that is where those colours came from!” It’s fun and often surprising to cross reference the work to the inspiration. So much is absorbed and put to my unconscious memory.
Indulge me whilst I share my wonderful companion having some fun!
So, I’ve shared this wonderful video of Jesse simply enjoying life because it’s a treasured memory of a strange 18 months. It reminds me to stay close to your instincts, and when the opportunity comes to you, unexpectedly, just grab the chance to let rip and do what you feel it right! We’ve been “locked in” for sometime, on reflection, and if you keep safe and take care of yourself and others, there’s no reason why we can’t rekindle our joy of life and have some fun!